8 Tricks of the Trade Show

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8 Tricks of the Trade Show

You can never be over prepared for a trade show. In Inc Magazine’s “8 Tricks of the Trade Show” offers great advice on how to prepare yourself for your next show. Use these tips and tricks to add to your own plan to make your next trade show even more successful.

  1. Be on the offense, not the defense. You’re not exhibiting at a trade show to defend yourself against your competition. You’re their to showcase your products. Stick to your objectives. 
  2. Focus on quality, not quantity. Having better quality traffic is better than higher quantity of traffic stopping by your booth. eMailing your target audience before a trade show is a good way to receive better quality visitors at your trade show booth.
  3. Strut your (new) stuff. If you don’t have a new product at the time of your trade show, try promoting an established product that hasn’t been featured before. If you have a prototype, use a 3D printing to showcase upcoming product.
  4. Let them play. People like hands-on booths. Give them something to hold and feel. Try using touch screens or iPads to create interaction.
  5. Train early and often. Train your staff. Make sure they understand your objectives at the trade show. Offer refreshers once you are at the show.
  6. Throw away the stress balls. Make sure your giveaways are valuable. Freebies that visitors will end up throwing away are a waste of money. Ensure your giveaways represents your product or company.
  7. Watch out for spies. Size up your nearby competition and make sure they are sizing you up as well. Visitors that are very clever and ask uncommon questions are often spies. Be aware of your surroundings and warn your staff of potential spies.
  8. Don’t lose steam. Not all of your business will come from the beginning of the trade show. Some customers will wait until the end when they know you have less traffic and more time. Stay energetic and engaged until the trade show is officially over.

Re configurate your trade show with these simple reminders and ensure success at your next show.

Read the complete list of tips in the article.