Advantages of Portable Trade Show Displays

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Advantages of Portable Trade Show Displays

Portable trade show displays are a cost effective alternative to large, permanent displays. Incorporate portable displays in your booth to showcase new products and services. Portable displays come in a variety of options like pop-ups, fabric tension displays, and modular portable displays. George Castano offers insight into the benefits of using these types of displays at your next trade show in his blog, “The Many Advantages of Portable Trade Show Displays.

  • Cost effective. Portable trade show displays are significantly cheaper than large, more permanent displays. The lightweight design reduces the burden of transportation. Portable displays can usually be shipped affordably in one or two containers. Some display units can even be carried on a plane to eliminate the stress of losing your display. Storage fees will decrease because of the less space they take up. Leverage interchangeable graphics to update your display regularly without the expense of purchasing a completely new display.
  • Convenient. Most portable trade show displays can be quickly and easily assembled and dismantled by only one person – saving you time and money.
  • Customizable. Grab the attention of trade show attendees with customizable display styles that match your design concept. Add custom lighting, hanging signage, shelving and other accessories for added personalization.
  • Versatile. Use Portable displays for more than just trade shows. Incorporate displays into business meetings, seminars, press releases to maximize your investment.

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