Budgeting for Dummies and Time-Strapped Smart People

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Budgeting for Dummies and Time-Strapped Smart People

Budgeting for your next trade show is one of the most important steps when planning your event. Budgeting enables you to see where your money is being allocated and to effectively manage your expenses. Keep your budget simple, managers tend to neglect complicated budget tracking.

The Exhibitor Online article, “Budgeting for Dummies and Time-Strapped Smart People” provides detailed budgeting strategies for calculating the cost of exhibiting at a single show. The article offers tips for calculating exhibit space, cost per square foot and cost per lead easily. According to the article, at least one-third of your trade show budget will be spent on booth space. Travel and lodging accounts for 13.5 percent. While show-services expenses take up 12.2 percent. The article’s infographic uses 2013 industry averages to itemize exhibit-house charges, per-diem rates, labor rates, exhibit storage, installation expenses and more.

Remember to ask for advice from vendors when you need it. You may qualify for special discounts… so don’t be afraid to ask. Saving money where you can will go a long way in helping you manage your overall costs to your trade show budget.

Read the full article.