Common Exhibit Budget Mistakes

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Common Exhibit Budget Mistakes

Tradeshows require a large amount of resources. Hundreds of hours and countless dollars can be spent on a single event. Don’t let the excitement or pressure of a trade show hinder your ability to stay within your budget. Keep your eye on the details before, during, and after the show. Author, speaker, and event producer Susan Ratliff divulges common budget mistakes and how you can avoid them in her article, “5 Budget Busting Habits Exhibitors Should Avoid.”

Neglecting to inventory exhibit properties. Failing to account for each component of your exhibit before shipping it out will result in extra expenses and added frustration. Take a critical look at your display and do a test set up that includes any extra accessories. Make sure all your materials are ready in advance.

Ordering services at the last minute. Waiting until the last minute to request services or place shipping orders will quickly drive up costs. Thoroughly read the exhibit kit so you’re fully aware of important dates and deadlines. Take advantage of early-bird discounts and place orders as soon as they are needed.

Forgetting to meet the installers before they begin. This is a simple step that can cost thousands of dollars when overlooked. If you aren’t there to oversee assembly, the entire process can get delayed or even incorrectly installed, resulting in wasted labor hours and supplies.

Bringing too many giveaways. The sheer volume of promotional items is easy to overestimate. Stick with fewer, more memorable freebies. Flyers are inexpensive and cost effective, especially when you train your staff to physically distribute the collateral. Engage customers and let the giveaway be a small reward or token of thanks. Don’t just throw your items at every person who walks by.

Read the full article.