Create Captivating Experiences at Events and Trade Shows

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Create Captivating Experiences at Events and Trade Shows

Our rapidly changing society demands increased stimulation; successful trade shows aren’t solely about information and networking anymore. Attendees are looking for innovation as well as immersive experiences that will stand out in their minds.

In an article titled “Creative Disruptive Learning at Trade Shows and Events,” Marlys Arnold of Trade Show Insights explains how trade show organizers are pushing the envelope to create experiences that empower attendees.

At the American College of Emergency Physicians, the event organizers created an immersive presentation that involved a live, simulated emergency room and ambulance situation in the middle of the trade show. Throughout the day, they fabricated an emergency crisis in which a man was injured and wheeled into a mock hospital known as innovatED. There, ACEP members narrated their actions and demonstrated cutting-edge medical tools. After the demonstration, attendees could walk up to the exhibit and learn about the items used.

The concept was a huge success. Three years later, they now feature over 55 exhibitors who must apply to be featured in the program. Robert Heard, Executive Director of ACEP, won the PCMA Innovation Award in 2014.

Creating a unique event experience doesn’t necessarily require rebranding or elaborate productions, but it does require extra effort, creativity, and risk. Begin by going against the status quo, envisioning an original experience, and then figuring out how to make it a reality.

Read the full article.