Exhibition Marketing Tips

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Exhibition Marketing Tips

Trade shows and exhibit booths are excellent tools for promoting your company and increasing your customer base. But creating exhibition materials and setting up booth space is just the beginning. Trade shows can have tough crowds; many attendees have seen countless exhibitions. A recent article by The Tradeshow Network titled “Exhibition Marketing Ideas for Beginners” includes a few useful tips to stand out from the crowd.

  1. Think inbound. Trade shows produce constant foot traffic. Lure attendees over with eye-catching signage that gives information about what your company does. Utilize interactive technology or even a personalized app for the conference.
  2. Be creative. Keep in mind that you’re competing against all the booths around you. The goal is to create an experience that’s new and engaging.
  3. Social media. Attendees are connected to their smart phones and tablets at any given moment. Stay active on social media channels and incorporate hashtags sponsored by the event. Create and promote your own hashtag to generate buzz about your company.
  4. Target offers. Create special offers that are only available to attendees. One example is to provide a discount if they sign up to receive your newsletter. You’ll be able to create new contacts and generate leads.
  5. Chairs. Offering delegates a place to sit is a simple, yet effective way to invite people to your booth. You can connect and engage them while they take the weight off their feet.

Read the full article.