How to Connect with Trade Show Attendees

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How to Connect with Trade Show Attendees

Often times, exhibitors competing against each other tend to opt for the biggest booth and most innovative gadgets possible. However, these types of trade show booths don’t necessarily stand out or help build relationships with attendees. Kristin Hovde of Smash Hit Displays has compiled a list of helpful tips to help you think outside the box in connecting with attendees. Booth staff interactions play a bigger in role in lead generation than the appearance of your exhibit.

  •  Think Small. Bigger is not always better when it comes to trade show booths. Large displays can be overwhelming, especially when the trade show floor is overrun by large, extravagant displays. Try to engage with attendees by using a smaller, more intimate trade show booth. Add a couple of tables and chairs to create a comfortable setting.
  • Give Them Space. Don’t be pushy. Educate your booth staff on how to read and interpret body language. Take note of booth visitors who have one foot in you booth and one foot out. This usually means they have a quick exit route in case they lose interest.
  • Tell a Story. Storytelling is a top marketing strategy for businesses around the globe. Marketing experts have shown that consumers are more likely to engage with your brand through relatable stories. Leverage storytelling to communicate who you are to customers.
  • Giveaways That Matter. Opt for more memorable giveaways like signed books from an industry thought leader or something else that will be less likely to be thrown away at the end of the day. Sure, we all like pens, stress balls, and t-shirts, but those freebies do little to create a lasting impression with potential customers. For example, give away branded cooking utensils if you sell cookware. Giveaways that tie-in with your products or service will resonate with consumers and remind them about your products long after the show is over.

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