How Trade Shows Are Similar to a Remodeling Project

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How Trade Shows Are Similar to a Remodeling Project


When remodeling a home, it’s easy to get in over your head and find yourself unprepared for what you’re facing. It requires detailed planning and a lot of patience. Marlys Arnold, Exhibit Marketing Strategist and founder of Exhibit Marketers Café, shares a few lessons that can apply to both home improvement and exhibit marketing.

  1. Checklists. Checklists are critical. Keep a running list and update it daily with everything you need to do, people to contact, and required materials.
  2. Choose wisely. Consider your time and budget and avoid overcommitting to too many events. Only choose trade shows that really matter.
  3. Good flooring. The foundation of your exhibit is often overlooked. Pay attention to hard surfaces and remember that padding can make a big difference after a long day on the show floor.
  4. Know when to ask for help. You can do a lot of things yourself, but sometimes you have to call on some help. Be aware of what services you’ll need for your next event, such as creating new booth displays, printing promotional items, or devising a marketing strategy.
  5. Keep your goal in sight. Participating in a trade show is a lot of work. It requires extensive planning and meticulous execution before the event even starts. It may seem incredibly daunting, but you must always keep the finish line in sight. Focus on your tasks and keep moving forward.
  6. Be prepared for the unexpected. Even if you have thorough checklists and detailed plans, things can still go wrong. Do your best to prepare for any scenario and utilize your team when appropriate. Also, know who to call for help in any emergency situation.

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