Increase Buyer Interest at Trade Shows

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Increase Buyer Interest at Trade Shows

According to the Center for Exhibition Industry Research, 81% of tradeshow attendees have buying authority. In other words, four out of every five people who pass your booth are potential paying customers. This translates to incredible business opportunities, but only if you know how to quickly grab their attention.

Steve Murray, General Manager at SK Displays, explains, “All trade exhibitors have three main goals in mind: brand awareness, lead generation, and building relationships. All these can be achieved with the use of a strategically designed and placed tabletop exhibit.”

A tabletop display is one of the most common types of exhibits. Stand out from the competition with these simple tips:

  • Use a custom-printed tablecloth with your company’s logo across the front to create a clean and professional appearance. 210gsm is the ideal fabric thickness for repeat use.
  • Utilize advertising solutions like brochure racks, pop up walls, backdrops, and banners to spruce up your exhibit.
  • Coordinate the colors of all your displays, visual assets, and promotional materials for a more unified look.
  • Place your tabletop along the aisle to increase foot traffic and make it easier for attendees to approach your booth.

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