International Exhibiting: 4 Tips to Keep You on Track

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International Exhibiting: 4 Tips to Keep You on Track

Not all trade shows are the same. Best practices, rules and overall exhibit style can vary from country to country. It is important to be aware of the possible differences prior to your next international trade show. In Terry Campanaro‘s recent article, “International Exhibiting: 4 Tops to Keep You on Track,” she provides great advice for those planning for an international trade show.

Terry’s 4 Tips for Keeping you on Track for an International Trade Show

  1. Understand Terminology and Practices. Be prepared for differences in exhibit terminology when you travel abroad. Additionally, some countries may have different standards for safety and setup. Remember to plan ahead and properly research the venue and practices before you exhibit internationally.
  2. Know Your Conversions. Temperature isn’t the only thing measured differently overseas. Currency, metrics and voltage are also different outside the United States. Remember to purchase plug adapters, know your dimensions and have enough local currency to cover your bases.
  3. Keep A Steady Pace. Don’t over do it. In the United States, most events average six hours a day for three days. Overseas, it’s not uncommon for international events to average eight hours a day and up to 10 days in length. Make sure you get plenty of rest, wear comfortable shoes and stay hydrated. This will help you survive a grueling trade show.
  4. Communication Barriers. Be sure to add the international plan to your mobile phone prior to your trip. In some places you may be able to take advantage of free Wi-Fi. Apps can be your greatest asset during your journey to a foreign place. A translation app can also help when there is a language barrier.

Prepare. Prepare. And prepare, is the best advice for international trade shows. Make a plan. Make a list. Check it, recheck it and recheck it again. You will be glad you put in the extra planning hours when your international goes off without a hitch.