Paper or Electronic Lead-Capture?

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Paper or Electronic Lead-Capture?

When the question of paper vs. electronic lead collection was submitted to Exhibitor Q&A, it earned the exhibit manager a “Bravo!” for being brave enough to bring it up. In his response to the question, Ken Mortara, president of ShowValue Event Management in Tucson, Arizona, says most people have gone high-tech without questioning whether electronic lead capture supports their marketing goals any better than paper lead management.

Mortara gives us a breakdown of the pros and cons of paper lead collection vs. electronic lead capture, and shows that paper may be a better fit for some exhibit marketers. Here are the facts to consider:

Electronic Lead Capture Pros and Cons

Electronic lead-capture systems have obvious advantages over paper:

  • Faster data capture
  • Data is easy to manipulate
  • Minimal post-event processing
  • Data can be formatted to fit your CRM system
  • Considered greener than paper – no printing

The disadvantages of e-lead management include:

  • Compatibility issues with a myriad of badge types
  • Systems that require staff to ask questions in a certain order disrupt normal conversational flow
  • Require one-on-one interactions
  • Depersonalizing to look at a screen vs. jotting notes quickly

Paper Lead Collection Advantages and Disadvantages

Paper has its pluses. It’s easy and affordable to hand every booth visitor a lead card and let them take their time filling it out. This frees staff and attendees to experience your booth during lead collection. Other pros:

  • Use lead cards as “passports” to drive traffic through your booth
  • Capture from numerous attendees at the same time
  • Staffers can take lead cards off-site with them
  • More authentic staff-attendee interaction
  • Conversations blend with question-asking

But paper has its problems, too.

  • Printing and shipping to and from shows
  • Not as eco-friendly as electronic devices
  • Ongoing expense; paper may be lost in transit
  • Bulkier than a USB or using online access
  • Post-event data management can be costly and time-consuming

Mortara concludes by saying that paper still deserves a spot on the exhibit floor, and may be a more cost-effective choice for lead collection.

Read the full article.