Perfecting Your Trade Show Experience

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Perfecting Your Trade Show Experience

Balance is the key to success in a well executed trade show. Balancing design elements, demonstrations, and staff member etiquette will provide you with the extra bit (umph) you need for a polished trade show. Lisa Apolinski offers tips for perfecting your trade show experience in her article, “Getting Your Booth Experience Just Right.” Implementing these tips combined with proper staff training will go a long way in helping you achieve your trade show objectives.

  • Design your trade show booth to engage your target audience. Select a gender neutral design if you are trying to reach both men and women. Incorporating masculine and feminine design elements will offer a great balance.
  • Demonstrations should only be used if they are appropriate. Not all products require a demonstration to understand how it used. For example, everyone knows how to use a hair brush and having a demonstration would be unnecessary. If you decide to do a demonstration, keep it simple enough so visitors can easily gain a full understanding of  how to use your product.
  • Staff members should be well trained for your event. Review etiquette guidelines prior to your trade show to make sure your staff has a clear understanding of what is expected of them. Staff members that are too energetic can have the same negative effect as dull staff members. An over eager staff can cause visitors to avoid your trade show booth completely. Ideal booth staff members are engaging, knowledgeable and demonstrate great body language. Emphasize the need for balance during staff training events leading up to your event.

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