San Diego International Airport Unveils Brand New Terminal 2

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San Diego International Airport Unveils Brand New Terminal 2

Panoptix Events worked with the San Diego International Airport to recently unveil the new terminal at the airport.

The Green Build Gala held for the opening of the new terminal in the spacious and stunning Sunset Cove portion of Terminal 2. The Gala was the crowning event before the ribbon cutting ceremony, and just one of the many grand opening events. The events were aimed at showcasing all of the hard work it took to make this work of art a reality. Among those in attendance were stakeholders, industry peers as well as community members. The evening revealed an exhibition of glass and steel.

The Panoptix team was determined to incorporate a green message and feature the local economic impact into the event’s theme. Efforts were made to minimize waste and maximize efficiency. Items from a variety of other Green Build events were repurposed with the help of San Diego’s own event suppliers. Leveraging local talent also ensured that the carbon-footprint for equipment transportation was reduced and that the dollars remained with the San Diego community. Energy efficient buses carried guests from the lower parking lot to the new elevated departure deck. Trees and plants were used to decorate the Gala, the ribbon cutting ceremony, and the public event days. Additionally, using an online event registration site minimized paper costs.

The new terminal opened in August and has been recognized for being completed on-time, on-budget, and environmentally friendly as part of the Green Build.

Learn more about the San Diego International Airport expansion project here.