The 5 W’s of Trade Show Planning

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The 5 W’s of Trade Show Planning

Tradeshow planning that starts with a list of ideas or a brainstorming session eventually must take on a more structured approach. To help create a list that will position you for tradeshow success, the president of Bartizan, Lew Hoff, suggests that you ask five common questions in his article, The Who, What, When, Where and Why of Trade Show Planning.

Who? Is a two-part question. Besides knowing your target audience, you should also find out who’s manning the booths next to yours.

What? Tradeshow planning can be all consuming. That’s why Lew reminds you to think about what comes after the show: your post-show follow-up plan.

When? Start a tradeshow-planning calendar six months to a year in advance, and set benchmarks and goals that get closer together as the show date approaches.

Where? Learn about the venue and the city so you know what to expect.

Why? What’s your reason for participating in the tradeshow? Introducing a product requires one type of plan while relationship building takes a different approach.

Ask these five questions as part of your tradeshow planning process for better results.

Read the full article.