The Changing Roles of Trade Show Managers

It’s no surprise that the trade show industry is changing. Events and exhibits have gradually evolved over the years, and managers have to adapt in order to be successful. Kristie Jones-Damalas, blogger at Skyline Trade Show Tips, shares insights on the changing industry and the evolution of the trade show manager role.
Businesses must acknowledge the growing influence of technology and social media. Workers and tradeshow attendees comprise a new generation with different strategies and expectations. Trade show managers have to revisit every aspect of their company, from marketing tactics and staff training to customer expectations and booth design. They need to focus on closing the generational gap between veteran exhibitors and newcomers in the scene.
With the advance of digital communication, certain practices are becoming obsolete. Email marketing is overtaking direct mail, and instant “chat now” web features overshadow telephone customer service. As a trade show manager, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of how your company uses technology and how your customers interact with it. You may need to step out of your comfort zone in order to meet your customers where they are.
Many job listings include very broad descriptions for trade show managers, such as “manage all aspects of trade show operations.” Previously, this meant handling logistics, setting up, and overseeing staff and exhibit procedures. Today, trade show managers must have a deeper understanding of the industry and be able to utilize that knowledge to create innovative new solutions.