Use Virtual Networking Tools Before the Event

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Use Virtual Networking Tools Before the Event

There’s new technology available to help you make contacts and connections before you arrive at your next industry event. Some of the ways to network with other people in your field are not so new, but virtual networking prior to the event can make meetings more productive. You’ll already be connected vs. starting with “What do you do?”

Juli Cummins, Digital Media Marketing Coordinator, A2Z, Inc. highlights tools for pre-event virtual networking in her article in the Sept. 21st issue of Trade Show News Network. Here are some of her tips:

  • Complete your profile on the event website, and search the lists of attendees and exhibitors. Although it’s mostly not required, it takes just five minutes to fill out your info. And there’s usually a way to securely or privately email others to schedule a meeting or ask about networking events – without hassling them.
  • Update your LinkedIn profile and use the official event group of page. Join or connect with the event on LinkedIn; you’ll find connections, and you’ll have the ability to follow discussions and post to them. Take advantage of individual networking, too.
  • Download the event’s mobile app. This is a good place to look up exhibitors you may want to meet, and choose which sessions to attend.
  • Create a QR code that links to your company page, professional website, or LinkedIn profile. Create stickers to place on your name badge and when you meet someone new, ask them to scan your QR code. Your info is now digitally stored in their mobile device vs. lost on a business card and it makes an impression!
  • Try Planely, an online tool that lets you connect with others who are travelling to the same destination. With your travel information uploaded, Planely shows you others who may be on your flight or staying at your hotel, which puts you a step ahead for sharing a cab or just saying hello in the lobby.

Devote some time to virtual networking prior to your next industry event, and find new ways to enjoy a more productive event experience.

Read the full article.