Video :: Training your Trade Show Booth Staff

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Video :: Training your Trade Show Booth Staff

A well-trained staff  can be a huge competitive advantage at a trade show. In her video, Linda Musgrove of TVLess.Com shares a variety of great tips for preparing your staff for your next trade show.

Key staff training tips:

High Energy. It’s important that your staff be motivated to sell and inform attendees about your product. Having good energy can be more inviting for trade show attendees.

Knowledgeable. Staff members that know the product they are selling can engage with potential customers. An intelligent conversation can provide your company with valuable customer insights.

Goals. It’s important that your team understands the reason they are at the trade show. Sharing the companies goals and objectives can ensure the group can work together and contribute to a successful trade show.

Role Playing. Role playing with your team can better prepare them for questions from trade show attendees. Before the event, ask your team questions and share possible scenarios with them.

Watch the video for more tips on training your trade show booth staff.