Your Trade Show “To-Do” List

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Your Trade Show “To-Do” List

Attending and participating in trade shows related to your business are great ways to build your network and stay current with industry trends. There are countless shows that can be beneficial for your company, but exhibiting comes with a hefty price tag. Jess Ekstrom, CEO and Founder of, shares a few helpful tips to include on your trade show “to-do” list in order to make the most out of your next event.

  1. Utilize your network. Rely on your direct network to discover the best trade shows for your business. Talk to colleagues or other businesspeople who have attended a show previously to get first person feedback.
  2. Talk to the manager. The floor manager can be extremely helpful, especially for first-time exhibitors. Many events offer discounts and specials for new participants. Floor managers can also give you useful information about what other companies will be in attendance.
  3. Focus on booth design. Your booth needs to be clean, inviting, and eye-catching. Invest on quality furnishings and lighting to make a strong first impression. Another tip is to try to secure a corner booth. The corner location receives foot traffic from two different directions and doubles your potential outreach.
  4. Gather contact info. Be sure to collect contact information from any potential leads so that you can follow up in the future. Present a sign up sheet, iPad, or business card drop box to all attendees at your booth.
  5. Set goals. Have a clear call to action for your booth. Depending on your business goals, it may be to generate leads, sell items, or promote brand awareness. Whatever you decide, make sure you and your entire team are focused on the same objective.
  6. Have giveaways. Giving out promotional items leaves attendees with a positive impression and a tangible object to remember your brand. Remember to include your booth number printed so attendees know where to find your booth if they want to return later.

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